Аминогликозидни анализатори
According US and European Pharmacopeia
One Analyzer for all aminoglycosides
FlexCell with easy exchangeable electrode
Reproducible and robust analysis
The Aminoglycoside Analyzer can be used for the analysis of all type of aminoglycosides such as: Amikacin, Framycetin, Gentamicin, Kanamycin, Lincomycin, Neomycin, Spectinomycin, Streptomycin, Tobramycin, etc.
The system is dedicated to the analysis of these antibiotics in pharmaceutical formulations and bulk products. Aminoglycosides are manufactured by a fermentation process and the main constituents as well as impurities and by-products must be identified and quantified to fulfil USP and EP requirements.
The system uses reversed phase chromatography with post column addition of sodium hydroxide for pulsed amperometric detection, except for the Kanamycin/Amikacin, which uses ion exchange chromatography. The supplied FlexCell with its easy exchangeable electrode guarantees for fast and user friendly operation.

Бележки за приложението
217_015_12 - Амикацин и Канамицин в насипните лекарства
217_030_06 - Гентамицин EP USP
217_036_03 - Стрептомицин USP
217_013_12 - Гентамицин в сулфата във фармацевтиката
217_010_13 - Неомицин и Фрамицетин сулфат в насипните лекарства
217_031_05 - Нетилмицин сулфат EP
217_019_08 - Спектиномицин и Линкомицин
217_018_10 - Спектиномицин във фармацевтиката
217_032_05 - Тобрамицин EP
217_014_09 - Тобрамицин във фармацевтиката